Used Britannia for Business & Personal… 16th May 2023Used Britannia for Business & Personal lease and they were great in both instances.
Felt well looked after & no pushy sales 19th June 2023Felt well looked after and safe in the process of applying for our first Lease Car with Ben.
No pressure applied or pushy sales. My needs were explored. My indecisiveness delayed the process slightly but we found an alternative option.I was expecting/hoping it would’ve been a faster process in getting the car, but they say ”good things take time”. And it feels so good to be in a nice, safe car. Peace of mind with the maintenance package too. Thank you!
Amazing Customer Service! Thanks Matt Bergin 16th Dec 2022Don't bother looking anywhere else. If you want the lowest cost, and the best customer service, from a company who will continue looking after you even after you've signed the lease, pick the phone up to Matthew Bergen at Brittania Car Leasing. Top man - delivers what he says, and is genuinely interested in the customer, not just making a quick buck.
Thank you Matt - I've now had 2 cars from Brittania, and amazing prices, and I would never look elsewhere.